24th Conference of EASAA
Posted on 2018-07-08

July, 2nd-6th 2018 | Naples, Italy
24th Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art
University of Naples “L’Orientale” and ISMEO
Giulia Forgione PhD thesis
Posted on 2018-06-12

June, 12th 2018 | Naples, Italy
Oral defence of Giulia Forgione’s PhD thesis:
Clay Sculptures from Tepe Narenj (Kabul): New evidence of Buddhist Art in the Huna and Shahi periods
University of Naples "L’Orientale", Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean
Valentina Laviola Post-doc project
Posted on 2018-06-01

PhD Valentina Laviola, University of Naples "L’Orientale", Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship (2018-2021)
The Architectural Decoration in Brickwork and Stucco Retrieved in Ghazni by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan
Renewed Memorandum of Understanding between AIA and ISMEO-IAMA
Posted on 2017-11-05

Renewed Memorandum of Understanding between the Afghan Institute of Archaeology (AIA) and the International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies (ISMEO) / Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan (IAMA)
Martina Massullo PhD thesis
Posted on 2017-10-30

October, 30th 2017 | Aix-en-Provence, France
Oral defence of Martina Massullo's PhD thesis:
Tombs and epitaphs from Ghazni (Afghanistan, 15th-18th century)
Aix-Marseille Université and University of Naples "L’Orientale"
Viola Allegranzi PhD thesis
Posted on 2017-10-27

October, 27th 2017 | Paris, France
Oral defence of Viola Allegranzi's PhD thesis:
Persian Inscriptions from Ghazni, Afghanistan. New Sources for the Study of Ghaznavid Cultural History and Epigraphic Tradition (5th-6th/11th-12th Centuries)
Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 and University of Naples "L’Orientale"
In memoriam Nancy Hatch Dupree
Posted on 2017-09-11

We express our deep sorrow for the disappearance of Nancy Hatch Dupree, a long time Director of the Afghanistan Center at Kabul University and passionate advocate of Afghanistan’s heritage.
Workshop Indo-Ghuria
Posted on 2017-08-31

August, 30th-31th 2017 | New York, US
International Workshop Indo-Ghuria: Continuities and Ruptures in 12th-13th-Century South and Central Asia
Columbia University
2ème Congrès du GIS MOMM
Posted on 2017-07-08

July, 5th-8th 2017 | Paris, France
2ème Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans
INALCO and Université Sorbonne Paris Citè
Conference The Architecture of the Iranian World 1000-1250
Posted on 2016-04-24

April, 21st-24th 2016 | St. Andrews, UK
Conference The Architecture of the Iranian World 1000-1250
Institute of Iranian Studies, School of History, University of St Andrews.