Workshop The Ghaznavids and Their Neighbours
Posted on 2016-02-26

February, 26th 2016 | Ivry-sur-Seine, France
International workshop The Ghaznavids and Their Neighbours: New Researches on Eastern Iranian World (10th – 12th c.)
CNRS, UMR 7528 Mondes iranien et indien
Valentina Laviola PhD thesis
Posted on 2016-02-04

February, 4th 2016 | Venice, Italy
Oral defence of Valentina Laviola's PhD thesis:
Islamic Metalwork from Eastern Iranian territories (9th-13th c.). The documentation of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan
Ca’ Foscari University
Signed Memorandum of Understanding between Afghan Institute of Archaeology and Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan
Posted on 2014-12-12
Rome: An event in honor of Umberto Scerrato
Posted on 2014-10-31

Rome, Sapienza University of Rome. An event in honor of Umberto Scerrato: Saggi inediti e Opera Minora. Presentation of the volumes.
Khurasan: the Land of the Rising Sun
Posted on 2014-10-10
Stuttgart (Germany), international workshop Khurasan: the Land of the Rising Sun convened by L. Korn, U. Franke and A. Kraemer at the Linden-Museum.
Montréal, 10th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Iranian Studies. Panel Islamic Ghazni: Epigraphic Memory and Material Culture
Posted on 2014-08-08

The four of us arranged a panel at the 10th Biennal Conference of the International Society for Iranian Studies, to present the first results of our ongoing doctoral researches on archaeological materials from Ghazni.