Posted on 2021-04-10

April, 6th-10th 2021 | Bologna
12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE)
Valentina Laviola and Martina Massullo
Ghazni Sacred Landscape. Ziyārāt, Shrines and Burials from the Ghaznavid Period to the Modern Age
CeRMI Lecture series
Posted on 2021-01-21

January, 21st 2021 | Inalco, Paris
Centre de Recherche sur le Monde Iranien Lecture series
Sociétés, politiques et cultures du monde iranien
Martina Massullo
Le patrimoine funéraire islamique de Ghazni d’après les archives de la Mission Archéologique Italienne en Afghanistan
Valentina Laviola, Martina Massullo (eds.), Maḥabbatnāma. Scritti offerti a Maria Vittoria Fontana dai suoi allievi per il suo settantesimo compleanno
Posted on 2021-01-16

Publication announcement
Valentina Laviola, Martina Massullo (eds.), Maḥabbatnāma. Scritti offerti a Maria Vittoria Fontana dai suoi allievi per il suo settantesimo compleanno (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino 125). Roma, 2020. ISBN 978-88-97622-69-7
Giulia Forgione Post-doc project
Posted on 2021-01-01

PhD Giulia Forgione, University of Naples "L’Orientale", Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship (2021-2023)
The recovery of the ephemeral in Afghan archaeological and artistic heritage: A study of the tangible and intangible aspects of the clay sculptural production in the medieval times
Arturo Annucci PhD project
Posted on 2020-12-01

MA Arturo Annucci, University of Naples "L’Orientale", Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean
Doctoral Research Fellowship (2020-2023)
The Islamic coinage of the Eastern Iranian territories (mid. 8th – mid 11th cent.)
In memoriam Elio Paparatti
Posted on 2020-11-12

We express our deep sorrow for the disappearance of Elio Paparatti, a passionate restorer and long time collaborator of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan.
Viola Allegranzi, Valentina Laviola (eds.), Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.)
Posted on 2020-06-01

Publication announcement
Viola Allegranzi, Valentina Laviola (eds.), Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.) (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino 120). Roma, 2020. ISBN: 978-88-97622-53-6
Valentina Laviola, Islamic Metalwork from Afghanistan (9th-13th Century)
Posted on 2020-06-01

Publication announcement
Valentina Laviola, Islamic Metalwork from Afghanistan (9th-13th Century). The Documentation of the IsMEO Italian Archaeological Mission (Series Maior XV/ Serie Orientale Roma 24, 2020). Napoli - Roma, 2020. ISBN: 978-88-6719-191-8
Viola Allegranzi, Aux sources de la poésie ghaznavide. Les inscriptions persanes de Ghazni (Afghanistan, XIe-XIIe siècles)
Posted on 2019-06-01

Publication announcement
Viola Allegranzi, Aux sources de la poésie ghaznavide. Les inscriptions persanes de Ghazni (Afghanistan, XIe-XIIe siècles). Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2019, 2 vols. ISBN: 978-2-87854-981-2
Round table Texts and contexts
Posted on 2018-09-14

September, 14th 2018 | Naples, Italy
International round table Texts and contexts. Ongoing researches on the Eastern Iranian world (9th-15th c.)
University of Naples “L’Orientale”