Viola Allegranzi, Valentina Laviola (eds.), Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.)

Posted on 2020-06-01

June 2020

Viola Allegranzi, Valentina Laviola (eds.), Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.) (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino 120). Roma, 2020. ISBN: 978-88-97622-53-6

The volume contains papers presented at the Round Table Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.), held at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” on September 14, 2018. The contributors deal with a variety of topics (textual and manuscripts studies, archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics), and present new researches and little known data on the history and material culture of the Pre-Modern Persianate world. The Scientific Committee was composed by M. Bernardini (“L’Orientale”), G. van den Berg (Universiteit Leiden), R. Giunta (“L’Orientale”) and M. Szuppe (CNRS-CeRMI, Paris).


  • V. Allegranzi, V. Laviola “Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.): A Preface to the Papers”
  • G. van den Berg “The Wall and Beyond: Some Notes on Text, Context, and Visual Representations of Iskandar, Ya’ǧūǧ and Ma’ǧūǧ in the Pre-Modern Persianate World”
  • C. Rhoné-Quer “Notes pour une histoire des fleuves en Orient médiéval : L’Amou Darya, une frontière du monde islamique (VIIe-XIe siècles) ?”
  • J.-D. Richaud “La légende dorée de Niẓām al-Mulk : Étude d’une figure de l’historiographie occidentale”
  • V. Allegranzi “Vers un réexamen des inscriptions historiques du monde iranien pré-mongol : Étude des cas des mausolées de Tim et de Termez en Ouzbékistan”
  • A. L. Corsi “A Dating for the Archaic Stuccoes in Būzān and their Relationship with Early Abbasid Syrian-Iraqi Production”
  • R. Giunta “Les études sur la documentation archéologique et épigraphique de Ghazni : Résultats et nouvelles pistes de recherche”
  • V. Laviola “Preliminary Analysis of Stucco Finds from the Ghaznavid Palace (Eleventh-Twelfth C.) in Ghazni”
  • A. Annucci “Islamic Coins from the Ghaznavid Palace in Ghazni: A General Overview”
  • M. Massullo “Traces épigraphiques de l’élite timouride à Ghazni (Afghanistan) : Les textes commémoratifs d’Uluġ Beg et ʿAbd al-Razzāq”
  • M. Bernardini “Les Qarawnas à Ghazni, XIIIe-XIVe siècles”

The volume is issued by the Istituto per l’Oriente Carlo Alfonso Nallino (Rome) and distributed by:

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