Islamic Ghazni: Stucco
Inv. no. C3487

Epigraphic panels and frames
IsMEO / IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan, 1957-1966
Ghazni, Ghaznavid Palace
Antechamber LII

Epigraphic frame
Late 11th - early 12th c.

Small portion of a curved epigraphic frame. Blue painting in the background, red painting on the frame border. Damaged. Similar to C1554, C5559, C6132, C2348, C5613, C5614, C5716, C5667, C5699.

Current location: Ghazni wareroom

Inscription: Arabic, Kufic, one line
الملك للـه
"Sovereignty belongs to Him" (Reading by R. Giunta)
Neg. no.: 920/4; 3838/4
Digital photos: G. Pastori, 2002
Drawings: –