Islamic Ghazni: Marble
Inv. no. IG0062

Panels with niche design
IsMEO / IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan, 1957
Ghazni area
Ramak, interior wall of the ziyara

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IG0062_neg 3823-3
IG0062_neg. L 1123-32

Early 13th c.

Rectangular panel carved in bas-relief with pointed horseshoe arch. A cursive epigraphic band frames a horseshoe polylobated and pointed arch sustained by two spiral-ribbed columns. Inside the arch are two sections: one with vegetal motifs, the lower with a geometrical pattern; the spandrels show vegetal motifs.

Current location: unknown

Inscription: Arabic, cursive, one line
Banā hadhi-hi l-masjid al-mubāraka al-ma(y)mūna (sic) fi l-dawla al-sultān / al-mu´azzam Mu´izz al-dunyā wa l-dīn Abū l-Muzaffar Muhammad b. Sām Nāsir / khalīfat Allāh Amīr al-mu'minīn bi-tārīkh al-muntasif min shahr Allāh al-mubārak rajab sana tis' wa sittīn / wa khamsu māya (Reading by R. Giunta)
This blessed and fortunate mosque was built during the reign of al-sultān / al-mu´azzam Mu´izz al-dunyā wa l-dīn Abū l-Muzaffar Muhammad b. Sām Nāsir / khalīfat Allāh Amīr al-mu'minīn in the middle of the blessed month Rajab of the year 599 (March-April 1203)
Neg. no.: 3823/2,3; 1123/3,32,34; 1134/7; 4739/7-9
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