Islamic Ghazni: Marble
Inv. no. IG0076

IsMEO / IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan, Scerrato 1958
Ghazni area
Masjid-i Idgha'

Other images

IG0076_neg 1523-3393
IG0076 Mawdud03

93x110; 104x32
First half 11th c.

Pointed arch, composed of an upper and of two lower slabs. The arch is supported by two thin columns, and is framed on three sides by an epigraphic band. The spandrels show a vegetal decoration. The lower slabs are inverted and turned upside down in the re-employment.

Current location: unknown

Inscription: Arabic, cursive, one line
جدد هذه العمارة [...]على ياد الامير السيد الملك المؤيد شهاب الدولة وقطب الملة وفخر الامة ابو الفتح مودود بن مسعود اطال الـله بقاه في شهور سنة ست و ثلاثين واربعماية
This building was renovated by [...] by al-Amïr al-Sayyid al-Malik al-mu’ayyid Šihāb al-dawla wa Quṭb al-milla Fakhr al-umma Abū'l-Fatḥ Mawdūd b. Mas'ūd. That [God] will prolong his existence and [...] in the months of the year six and thirty and four hundred (436/1044-45)
Neg. no.: 590/4-5; 640/1-12; 641/1-6; 1523/1-6,7; 7951/7-8,10-11; 12046/1-3,6-7; 12007/4-6
Digital photos: –
Drawings: Inv. nos. 6259, 6260, 6261