Islamic Ghazni: Fired clay
Inv. no. C4978

Glazed ceramic tiles
IsMEO / IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan, 1957-1966
Ghazni, Ghaznavid Palace
A2 Nord Ic

Moulded relief decorated tile
Fired clay

Late 12th - early 13th c.

Fragment of an unslipped and unglazed square tile (?), with cut straight edges. The medium-coarse ceramic body is coarser than usual and it is very similar to the one identified for the unglazed vessels of the Ghazni pottery corpus (Fabric no. 23). The item shows a moulded relief decoration on both surfaces, the patterns are different. The hypothesis is that this item could be part of the potter's furniture, a piece used by the artisan for testing the moulds and the decorations originating from them; as an alternative, it could be interpreted as a waster.

Current location: Rome, Museo delle Civiltà – Museo d’Arte Orientale “G. Tucci”
Neg. no.: 1188/10
Digital photos: G. Di Flumeri, 2000
Drawings: –