December 2020
Valentina Laviola, Martina Massullo (eds.), Maḥabbatnāma. Scritti offerti a Maria Vittoria Fontana dai suoi allievi per il suo settantesimo compleanno (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino 125). Roma, 2020. ISBN 978-88-97622-69-7
The volume has been prepared on the initiative of R. Giunta and M. Bernardini (Università di Napoli “L'Orientale”) as an homage to Prof. M.V. Fontana (Sapienza Università di Roma), who gave an important contribution to the research activities of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan. It gathers papers composed by Fontana’s current and former students. The editors as well as several contributors (V. Allegranzi, A.L. Corsi, A. Fusaro, V. Laviola, M. Massullo, M. Rugiadi) are members of the Islamic Ghazni research team. Included among the contents are new investigations on archaeological materials from Ghazni (see Fusaro “Dealing with the Islamic Glazed Tiles from Ghazni Again: New Remarks on a Still Fascinating Topic” and Laviola “Gli elementi in marmo del sistema idrico di Ghazni”), as well as other studies dealing with Eastern Islamic and Mediterranean art.