Buddhist Ghazni: Wall statue
Inv. no. TS02046

IsMEO / IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan, 1962
Tapa Sardar, Vihara 17
In front of statue no. 17

Other images

1736 et alia_numerata
1154 et alia_numerata

Red clay; black paint
Very high relief; locks of hair obtained from mould 17m11
Max: 13 cm
Late period

Head or shoulder (fragment) of a bodhisattva with hair rendered by rows of apllied locks. Black paint on hair.
Probable related fragments: TS 1736 (fragment of head), TS 1737 (right hand).

Ghazni, MAIA storehouse (2002)
Neg. no.: -
Digital photos: MAIA 2002
Drawings: -