Buddhist Ghazni: Cornice
Inv. no. TS00009

IsMEO / IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan
Tapa Sardar, Upper Terrace
Near Throne 1

Other images

Dep. CS 4726_seconda protome
Dep. CS 4726_quarta placca decorativa

Lion / and / lotus
Brown clay
Relief; lotus obtained from mould 23m24
H: 4,7; L: 9,8 cm
Late period

Cornice with row of alternating lion’s head (two of them are preserved) and lotus pendant (one of them is preserved). Partially blackened by accidental fire.

Ghazni, MAIA storehouse (2002)
Neg. no.: 1807/ 1,2,4-6
Digital photos: -
Drawings: Inv. No. 4726