The site: An overview
- 2002 The checking of the old inventoried materials
- 2003 A view of the Upper Terrace
- 2003 Cleaning of the site
- 2003 Geo-referentiation of the site
- 2003 Resumption of work
- 1962, excavation work on the Upper Terrace (R1786_6)
- 1962, the first soundings at Tapa Sardar
- Fragments of the inscribed pot mentioning the 'Vihara of the Great King Kanishka'
- 2003 Great Stupa, detail of the architectural elements
- Great Stupa, section and axonometry showing the details of the architectural elements (Dep. CS 4005)
- Plan of the Great Stupa (Dep. CS 70-E3)
- 2003 The Great Stupa, south-east corner
- General ground plan of the site (Dep. CS 4010-f)
- The topographic plan of the site (Dep. CS 4046)
- 2003 The tepe seen from the plain
- 2003 The tepe seen from the plain
The general features of the site
- Minor cultic areas - Room 87, with star-shaped fire altar (neg 11461-3)
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas during excavation (MNAOR 3411 CS 1799-6)
- Chapel 23 after excavation (neg. CS 8148-4 MT)
- Chapel 23, detail (neg 8159-15)
- Chapel 23, detail (neg 8148-7)
- Chapel 17, main cultic image (Buddha Maitreya) (neg 6747-4)
- Chapel 37, elevation (drawing by N. Labianca)
- Chapel 37 (neg 804-2a)
- Chapel 37, detail of the main cultic image (neg 12486-13a)
- Chapel 37, detail of the main cultic image (neg 11451-2)
- Ground plan of the chapels of the north-east side (Dep. CS 6142)
- Chapels 50 and 63 (Dep. CS 6126 6127)
- Chapel 63, the colossal parinirvana seen from the northern entrance (MNAOR 3467)
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, Stupa 5 (neg 7414-1)
- Minor cultic areas - Area 64 , detail of monument 69 representing a miniature fortification wall (neg 9936-9a)
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, Stupa 7 ()neg 7402-7
- Stupa 7, detail (neg 7392-1)
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, Throne 6
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, Throne 24
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, Throne 9
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; here, detail of the moulded decoration of Throne 9 (neg 7418-6)
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, detail of the painted decoration of Throne 3
- Minor cultic areas - Room 41 and Stupa 41
- Upper Terrace, row of stupas and thrones; in the fore, Throne 38
- Minor cultic areas - Room 36
- Minor cultic areas - Room 75 (neg 12045-9)
- Minor cultic areas - Area 64 (Dep. CS 4010-e)
- Plan and elevation of Chapels 23 and 17 (Dep. CS 4023)
Sculptures of the Early Period
- Another picture of the colossal foot from Room 100, highlighting its proportions
- Colossal gilded foot from Room 100 - Antique Period 2
- Silenus-like moustached head - TS 1502
- Head of a young god, presumably the vedic Shakra - TS 1600
- Male head with shaven hair - TS 1403
- Female head with curly head - TS 1063
- The gold leaf from TS 1870, stuck in the earth deposit
- Gilded head of a deva from Niche 76, with traces of red, black and brown paint in hair, eyes and eyebrows - TS 1870
- Moustached head of a Kushan aristocrat with conical cap - TS 1065 + TS 1515
- Head of deva from Niche 76, with traces of red paint on the eyebrows and black paint in the hair - TS 1871
Sculptures of the Recent Period
- Grotesque being emerging from a rocky landscape in awe at the Buddha, from Chapel 23 - TS 1126
- Lokapala (protector of a cardinal point) with helmet, from Stupa 5 - TS 1016
- Male gilded figure with long hair, bracelet and necklace, reconstructed from many fragments - TS 1850
- Standing bodhisattva with paridhana (loincloth) and uttariya (upper garment) still intact, from Chapel 37 - TS 1272
- Bodhisattva with crossed legs, originally sitting on a lotus, from Chapel 37 - TS 1500
- Head of a bodhisattva with long curly hair, from Chapel 37 - TS 1259
- Head of a bodhisattva with black hair bound by a double garland, from Vihara 17 - TS 580
- Head of bodhisattva from Chapel 37 - TS 1220
Restoration and preservation
- TS 1800 after restoration (MNAOR 3807)
- Fragments of mural painting TS 1800 during excavation (MNAOR 3497 - CS 4235)
- 2003 - Restoration of the Buddha head (TS 1144) at the Kabul Museum
- Head of the Bejewelled Buddha from Chapel 23 (TS 1144)
- 1970 - Field restoration on a finding from Chapel 37 (R 8993-7)
- 1972 - Restoration of the parinirvana Buddha in Chapel 63 (R 9932-10)
- 1969 - Strenghtening of base 40 (R 8231-5)
- 1969 - Workers transporting TS 1144 (R 8225-4)
- 1960 - Fragments of a leg of a huge standing Buddha image (L 844-28)
- 1970 - Fragment of uttariya (upper garment) from TS 1272 (CS 4175)
- Excavation of a bodhisattva head still preserving the original painting
- 1970 - Findings on the south-west corner of Chapel 37 (L 807-19a)
- Restorer at work in Room 75 (12042-7)
- 1969 Room 36, consolidation of sculpture TS 1559 (R 8165-11)
Hypothetical reconstructions
- Upper Terrace - The row of stupas and thrones, elevation sketch (Donatella Ebolese)
- Upper Terrace - Throne 6, preliminary reconstruction (Anna Maria Fedele)
- Upper Terrace - Throne 6 (neg 7412-1)
- Stupa 7 - Preliminary reconstruction (Carlotta Passaro)
- Stupa 7 (in the fore), Stupa 8 (in the middle) and Throne 6 (neg 7410-7)
- Upper Terrace, the row of stupas and thrones during excavation (MNAOR 3411 CS 1799-6)05-Stupa 7 (in the fore), Stupa 8 (in the middle) and Throne 6 (neg 7410-7)
- Upper Terrace - The row of stupas and thrones, (Dep. CS 4010 f.3)
- Isometric view of of the Upper Terrace (Elio Paparatti)
- Upper Terrace, preliminary 3D reconstruction (Danilo Rosati; modified by Donatella Ebolese)